Thursday, May 29, 2008

Biking 181 miles...

Is no small feat. I learned this last weekend when I participated with Jess and 18 other folks in the CISPES 2008 Solidarity Cyclers fundraising ride.

The weather was amazing, and so was the Shenandoah river valley after biking up the base of the Blue Ridge mountains. We stayed at the Wheatland Vegetable Farm just short of Purcellville, VA on the first night, thanks to the generosity of the farmers there, and went on through Harpers Ferry to a nearby hostel, and back to DC. Pictures forthcoming!

In other important news, my job is changing, but not where I work. I'm changing hats from being an online communications manager to a data manager, which is an upgrade and will teach me even more geeky things than I already know. KNow anyone who wants my old gig? We're hiring! Drop me an email if you're interested.

This summer will be busy but good -- Jess and I are heading first for a week in northern CA and later to South Haven, MI for a family vacation.

Outside, of work, I'm getting an award! Yep, for my work with the the DC Trans Coalition, I'm the recipient of the "Engendering Justice" award at Capital Trans Pride this year. Complete with celebratory cupcakes and making a speech and everything, in a couple of weekends. It's very sweet of the folks putting Trans Pride together to have honored me this way.

That's the quick update for now...more to come as events progress.

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