Friday, November 04, 2005

indiana's techno hookah

Tonight I arrived in West Lafayette, Indiana. I haven't been to Indiana before, and after a bit of getting lost with my two co-workers, we made it to our host's house. It was 11:15 or so and none of us had had dinner, so it was suggested we try the hookah bar, whose kitchen is open late.

We arrived at a strip mall-esque compound where a large sign proclaiming "hookah!" and two bouncers 'neath greeted us. Inside the bar, many a college student puffed away and we were seated in the warehouse-sized space. The special part though, was that it was playing classic suburban gay bar techno, complete with disco strobe light. And there were two, count them, two wide-screen TVs with the sports channels blazing away. So we ordered our late-night Lebanese repast and caught each other bobbing along to occassionally to the "whumpa-whumpa" soundtrack.

I was in DC for the three days prior to this, then in Philadelphia staying at Molly's house while she's away in New Orleans. I trucked around the area all that week, stopping only briefly to visit the beloved Kingdom of Vegetarians Chinese food restaurant, home of round-the-clock vegan dim sum.

Also, I moved this past weekend to a room in a queer collective house in DC, which means cool housemates + Elly and I have proper amounts of space to ourselves, which is healthy. I ran all over heck looking for a new mattress, but craigslist did me right and a free-but-in-great-shape queen size mattress is now mine.

OK, past my bedtime, more later.