Monday, May 07, 2007

month four...

Mom has moved, and got a new car, and has a social life as she's closer to the Healdsburg community now. What a huge sigh of relief. It's been hard, but she's managed to undertake an amazing strain and has landed on her feet. She's already hooked up with a Windsor grief group. It's quite amazing.

I was very, very, very busy for a while. My friend B absconded with me and Jess, my (relatively) new sweetie, his sweetie Mari, several other amazing pals to Shenendoah National Park for some good ol' fashioned car camping. It was really lovely. There was a hike, there were waterfalls. If I had a doctor to order it, it would've been what they'd ordered.

Last weekend I was in Philadelphia...Jess was attending a workshop Molly lead; a stop between time in New Orleans and a return to the Bay Area.

I'll be back in the Bay in June for the memorial gathering of my dad's siblings in San Francisco.

Not much else to report. Well, lots. But not enough time. More will follow, eventually.