Tuesday, April 18, 2006

something to write home about

I got my appointment for my second round of top surgery: June 7th! Which is bad timing. But in this job, it's all bad timing. Wheee! I perhaps will be able to swim publicly by the end of the punishing, swampy DC summer.

Also, I turn 30 in less than a month. I am a forgiving Taurus, but have you planned? You should be planning. There will be a party. It will be at my house. Also, my birthday falls on Mother's Day, a Sunday.

Monday, April 17, 2006

file under "wouldn't happen in SF"

OK, so I have tons of work to do. There's a big strategy session this weekend, there are folks coming in from out of town, union and labor movement allies meeting about a campaign I've spent most of my USAS career pulling together. But I took this time to tell you, dear reader, that R. Kelly keeps coming to my gym. That's right, he and his whole entourage came walking through the locker room as I haplessly laced my running shoes tonight, much to the delight of many of my fellow gym-goers. First, I was like "ooo!" and then, I couldn't get that darn Chappelle Show episode out of my head.

Meanwhile, at my day job, students at UVA who were sitting in for a living wage just got out of the clink this afternoon, workers at U Miami are on day 13 of a water-only hunger strike and students are on day 4, CU-Boulder students are on day 5 of a hunger strike for a sweat-free campus, and we're all freaking out about where everyone decided hunger strike was the tactic of the day. Ack! USAS national staff are notorious for trying to talk students out of hunger striking. We worry. Oh, do we worry.

Back to the action...