Wednesday, February 18, 2004

The whole Newsom/Gay Marriage thing

My friend said it best in her post to indybay: "I Got Married but NEWSOM IS NOT MY FRIEND"

Not to be cynical, and I'm happy for all the folks fighting to resolve custody issues, have access to their partners during medical crises, etc. but I see this as a brilliant political ploy on Newsom's behalf. I have to hand it to him, it's smart. But that doesn't change his horrible oppressive stance towards low-income folks and folks of Color in SF.

More on this, but Maz just got here and it's Mazzy night. Off to see Battle of Algiers.

Ma vie sans le temps

Howdy blogdience!

Since last we spoke, er, you read/I wrote, a few things have happened. Not surprising since it was a month ago and everything.


  • Mazzy and I had a five-year anniversary. Yay us! We're thinking about writing up a book about being a long-term polyamorous relationship. Many people ask us for advice and entreat us to write. We thought it might be fun to each write a separate advice pamphlet and see what each of us had to say (and whether they bore any resemblance whatsoever), but so far it hasn't materialized. Some day.

  • I took the damned LSAT. I left, and thought to myself, "I don't really want to be a lawyer!" Whew. So much better to figure that out *before* law school. That leads to a much longer conversation about learning styles, my lifetime inability to distinguish right from left (except in politics!), and achievement issues. Maybe It'll wind up here, even.

  • I met with Peta, who offered lots of wonderful advice and constructive criticism about my consent piece. Yay! I might be getting under the hood, disassembling it, and seeing what I can form into working parts. Have ideas? Wanna see it? Comment on those posts as I go, and I'll take yer advice! This will also likely result in a collective writing project about consent, which I'm excited about as well.

  • Because I'm trans*, I get to reapply for my passport 18 days before I leave for El Salvador. Ugh! But I did get to see the lines of queer folk gettin' hitched at City Hall as I made my way to the Department of the Treasury.

In the forthcoming life of meester toth, I am

  • Going to see Elly this weekend in DC, yay! She's also moving back to the Bay Area for a year before applying to grad schools. Whew! Takes a little pressure off the planning.

  • Completely booked between now and the beginning of April, which makes scheduling time with my friends a little awkward. I'm not famous enough to be this busy, dammit.

Enough of catching-up posts. On to other areas of my brain. I mean, I don't have a blog to make small talk with whoever will listen...

*Long story short, applying for a passport with all documentation short of the "doctor's letter" stating that permanent sex-reassignment surgery has been performed will get you one measly years' worth of passport. So I had to reapply post-surgery, even though it was good for the trip; apparently they want you to have three to six months of good passport, even if you're only going for two weeks. Did I mention I love bureaucracy? Love it! I'm thinking of constructing a sculpture out of all the pieces of paperwork being trans has brought into my life, but I don't think it'd be earthquake-safe...